filzquadrat rugs
Each (reversible) carpet is unique

Felt rugs are influenced by European and oriental culture
Studio Samira Nami's first products and thus the centerpiece are the rugs for the wall as well as for the floor. With the filzquadrat collection, the oriental carpet is put in a new light. Designer Samira Heidarinami uses the classic pattern, which has accompanied her all her life thanks to her Persian roots, and brings it to new life - classic values in modern design.
The rugs of the filzquadrat collection are inspired by the European and Oriental culture and build a bridge between them. The antique ornaments of the oriental rugs are strongly modified and adapted to modern times by modern colors. Unlike their original, they captivate with simplicity, two-tone colors and a minimalist feel.
Studio Samira Nami uses the technique of screen printing and thus each carpet is unique and a work of art in itself - both on the wall and on the floor.
Each carpet tells its own story. They are products specially made in Hamburg, consisting of 100% wool felt. Since all products are reversible rugs, you can use them to change the mood and effect of a room in an instant.
The colour of the patterns is limited to one modern and bold colour on each side, clearly distinguishing it from the typical rug of the Orient. The color combinations of the two sides do not resemble each other, but they still come from related color families, so even after turning them, they match the interior of the room.
The rugs offer the opportunity to bring something fancy to the wall or floor quickly on special occasions and they can also be turned over depending on the mood and season. All rugs are harmonious in color scheme and the edges are dyed in a matching color and become an eye-catcher in any room.
Your filzquadrat rug is already waiting for you!
Die Teppiche auf der Website sind auf Anfrage zu verkaufen. Gerne stellt Studio Samira Nami auch auf Ihren Wunsch Teppiche aus Wollfilz für Sie her. Zusammen mit Ihnen kann Studio Samira Nami auf Ihren Wohn- oder Arbeitsraum eingehen und passende Farben und Muster für Ihren individuellen Teppich verwenden. Sprechen Sie Studio Samira Nami gerne an. Wenn Sie mögen, lassen sich die Teppiche auch einseitig bedrucken. Auf die Qualität wird sowohl beim Design als auch bei den in Hamburg hergestellten Produkten viel Wert gelegt.